Our Ministries
Below is a list of the various ministries at Greater Gethsemane.
The Deaconess Board is a group of women with deep spiritual values and high moral character, consecrated by the Pastor. The women (a) visit the sick, the un-churched and shut-in; (b) counsel the lonely and depressed; (c) pray with and for those who desire prayer; (d) assist with the Sacraments of the Church, i.e., assist candidates and prepare for Holy Baptism and make sure the proper garments dress the Altar.
Steward Board I
The Stewards help the congregation understand the meaning of Christian stewardship in service, gifts and generosity for the greater good.
Steward Board II
The Steward Board II help the Pastor whenever needed to further the operation of ministry at Great Gethsemane.
Stewardess Board
The Stewardess Board work in concert with the Preacher’s Steward to ensure that all pertinent needs of the first family are met; honoring the church’s commitment to take care of their leadership.
Trustee Board
The work of Greater Gethsemane AME Zion Church affects the community and the world at large. With our Trustees in place, congregants enters a well established and safe environment for worship. Trustees function as Christian stewards of property God has entrusted to the congregation. This includes supervising and maintaining both the physical property of Greater Gethsemane AME Zion Church.
Christian Education
Greater Gethsemane AME Zion Church follows the mission of the AME Zion Christian Education Department (CED) whose mission is to promote and supervise Christian training that fosters the development of credible, committed Christian disciples. Through Biblically-based, innovative and relevant education, training and worship, we plan to disciple the entire church with each of our ministries having a strong foundation bringing congregants closer together.
At Greater Gethsemane AME Zion Church, we offer congregants of all ages a chance to give back by serving God through mission work.Our ongoing mission of spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ to our ever-growing community is every present in what we do. Giving back is ingrained into our philosophy and it’s at the root of our very being.
Lay Council
The Lay is composed of the entirety of our congregation. Their responsibilities include (but are not limited): endorsing denominational initiatives, the ministry of faith sharing as well as local missions which strengthen both the congregation and the greater community where the church resides.
Class Leaders
Leaders directly responsible with supporting and serving the needs from among the congregants of the church. They provide intentional care and concern for the welfare of the entire membership.
Music Ministry
Greater Gethsemane music ministry prepares the atmosphere for worship through our varioius musical entities. The ministry aids many to turn to salvation being moved by the music combined with the Word, Sermons and prayers of the Saints;
Ushers Ministry
Members of the Usher Board serve as doorkeepers for the church. Members should be at post 25 minutes before service in order to receive your assignments from the head usher & greet everyone with a friendly word and a smile; be sincere and natural. Ushers should be alert in case someone becomes ill or there is an odd situation during the service and offer help quietly. Be personable and warm in ushering people to their seats. Seat worshippers at the appropriate time. Be watchful because minister or head usher may make special requests during the worship service.
Sons of Varick
The Sons of Varick engages men of all ages in promoting the cause of education, evangelism, and missions in the local community, district, conference, and Episcopal area.
Senior Ministry
The Senior Ministry assist our season saints encouraged, informed and active through teachings, gatherings and sharing.
Media & Technology
The Media/Technology Ministry provides audio/visual support, recordings or presentations of/for church services and special events. This ministry also works to share information about our church, its mission, vision, ministries and events through printed forms of publicity, electronic media, and word of mouth.
Home Mission
Information coming soon.